Latest Episodes

WP Mainline Episode 23 - Saving the Internet and Saving Open Source
In this episode, Malcom Peralty and I catch up on a few of the stories we've missed since the start of the New Year....

WP Mainline Episode 22 - State of The Word 2021 Recap
In this episode, Malcom Peralty and I provide an overview of the State of the Word presentation. We cover various points of information, talk...

WP Mainline Episode 21 - Gravatar, Theme JSON Generator, and CMS Marketshare
In this episode, Malcom Peralty and I discuss the news of the week beginning with a new Theme.JSON generator created by David Gwyer. We...

WP Mainline Episode 20 - No Thanks Were Given for GoDaddy Breach
Better late than never! I hope everyone had a good holiday last week. I ended up getting some of my much-needed medication so things...

WP Mainline Episode 19 - GoDaddy Acquires Pagely, Doing The Woo, and WordPress Contributor Churn
In this episode, Malcolm Peralty and I are joined by Bob Dunn of Do The Woo fame to discuss the news of the week....

WP Mainline Episode 18 - WP Scan Acquired, WordFest Live 2022, and Jeffro AI
In this episode, Malcolm Peralty and I discussed the news of week starting off with Automattic’s acquisition of WPScan. I also shared my experience...